Gedankenessen is building tooling.

Why transparency?

Sharing data, visualizing processes and modeling statuses inside of our application allows us to accurately communicate with both customers and team members. That is the goal of transparency. It helps build trust and improves the understanding of how work is done. Everyone can understand progress quicker, have more accurate expectations and do more precise planing.

Why prototyping?

Offering superior UX or even just a different perspective can be enough to make your product viable. Yet while UX has become a honed craft, user expectations have exploded. We need to acknowledge that we don't know how effective our solution is, until we try it. Embracing prototyping gives us the necessary speed to explore these new ideas and transform them into successful products.

Why less?

Complexity is one of the biggest challenges that we face today. Software needs to be continuously evolved and morphed to suit new use-cases. Yet, it’s universally understood that the best tools are the ones that are focused and do one thing well. By expecting less we allow our products to focus on that one thing and perfect it. Besides great UX and achievable deadlines the arguably greatest win is avoiding the endless pit of complexity that looms over every project.

Why digital?

Computers are very different to analog tools in that they allow us to seemingly scale endlessly. We can abstract away busywork, define new ways to work with data and overpower previously unsolvable problems. And most importantly: Users can be empowered to do their best work. In the end we have no choice but to take up digital solution as the never ending arms race of productivity continues.



Prototype your backend from your frontend. Easily create a basic crud REST API by sending your desired data format via JSON. As your data expectations change just resend a POST request to morph the structure of your data to your liking. Quickly iterate. Once you’re done with experimenting, you can browse the final state of your submitted data and use it to build your production backend.
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Fusce tellus orci erat, sit amet molestie mauris iaculis sit amet. Sed ut varius augue. Praesent tellus nisi, commodo sed mauris non, condimentum bibendum turpis. Sed at vulputate massa. Vestibulum tempus purus nec lacinia consectetur. Mauris congue nec felis nec facilisis. Nullam quam neque, malesuada sagittis nunc sed, tempus vulputate ligula. Proin dictum mauris ut suscipit ullamcorper. Ut accumsan nulla at enim consequat rutrum. Nullam purus ligula, egestas quis sapien vel, interdum dignissim ligula. Ut non enim vehicula, tincidunt neque posuere, ornare neque. Nullam purus ligula, egestas.
Coming soon.


Ut vel urna eu neque finibus posuere non non magna. Nullam ac ultricies nisi. Curabitur lorem risus, ultricies ut sapien vitae, pharetra pharetra mauris. Praesent commodo est id semper sollicitudin. Proin et velit non sapien molestie congue id ut lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer et lectus vel massa malesuada suscipit. Sed vulputate, nisi eget scelerisque tristique, massa eros vestibulum ligula. Augue massa at ipsum. In dictum porta ultrices. Praesent eget placerat urna. Etiam ut lacus quis turpis ultrices bibendum. Mauris congue vestibulum rutrum.
Coming soon.


Vivamus commodo porta porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. In nec magna euismod, finibus eros nec, scelerisque augue. Ut sollicitudin placerat lectus, ac scelerisque leo tempus eleifend. Fusce id tempor ligula. Maecenas id odio nec ligula elementum mollis et id nisi. Cras vel eros imperdiet diam consequat malesuada. Mauris volutpat laoreet lacinia.
Coming soon.


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